Author Archives: Daniel B. Kaiser

Articles by: Daniel B. Kaiser

How to help your teen after a car accident

No parent in Arizona looks forward to the day that their teenage child calls them to say that they’ve been in a car accident. However, it’s…

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What can I recover in a wrongful death suit for the loss of my loved one?

There are few things as tragic as unexpectedly losing someone you love in a sudden accident. If you depended on your loved one for financial support,…

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Multiple Collisions in a Single Crash

Arizona residents are still shocked to learn car accidents all have three actual collisions within them. The motion of a vehicle is largely underestimated when looking…

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The long-term effects of traumatic brain injury

You were driving home after a visit with friends when your life changed forever. Without warning, another driver’s vehicle crossed the center line and crashed head-on…

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Road safety when school starts

School season in some Arizona communities has started, which means that many buses will be on the road as well as kids walking to school in…

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Are older drivers safer?

Arizona is home to many retired individuals who want to take advantage of the sun, which means there are many elderly drivers on highways and local…

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School start times and car crashes

In recent years, school districts in Arizona and around the country have been reevaluating their start times. Increasingly, research shows that teenagers are not at their…

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Do older drivers experience slowed reaction times?

Age may affect people’s reaction times, creating concerns for families with an older relative who continues to drive. When driving, the ability to react quickly may…

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How traffic accidents might impact your car insurance rates

A car accident might result in an increase to your car insurance premium. However, there are many factors that an Arizona auto insurance provider will take…

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What are signs of nasal cancer?

Regular screenings for certain cancers can save your life by allowing early detection and intervention. However, nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancers can easily be missed…

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