Flagstaff Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Flagstaff Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Flagstaff Bicycle Accident Attorney

Across the nation, bicycle accidents are a serious concern, and Flagstaff is no different. In comparison to cars, these vehicles provide riders with very little protection, which puts bikers at risk of suffering serious injuries in the event of an accident. If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, a Flagstaff bicycle accident lawyer can help you with further actions.

For legal guidance and to ensure your rights are protected, contact a Flagstaff attorney for personal injury cases today!

best flagstaff bicycle accident lawyerWhy Choose Us?

We at The Kaiser Law Group have experience with a wide range of accident-related claims, including bicycle accidents. We can take care of the entire legal process on your behalf, including:

  • Obtaining pertinent evidence
  • Looking into your case
  • Settling disputes with insurance providers
  • Negotiating settlements
  • Representing you in court

Our objective is to make sure that you get just compensation for the losses you sustained as a result of the accident. We can offer you the legal assistance you require to successfully negotiate the legal system at this challenging time.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Even though bicycles may be considerably slower than other vehicles on the road, bicyclists still have the same rights and responsibilities as other drivers on the road. However, they are at a greater risk of injury if they are involved in an accident, as they do not have the same protections as someone in a car may have. Nevertheless, bicycle accidents still occur for a number of reasons.

Bicycle Accidents and Road Hazards

When cars or other larger vehicles drive over road hazards, they are generally still safe. However, if a bicycle drives over similar hazards, they can be at a much greater risk of injury. Those who drive cars may not even notice these hazards, but bicyclists must be extra vigilant about them. Such hazards include:

  • Weather conditions: Inclement weather, such as ice, snow, and rain, can make the roads slicker than they normally would be.
  • Potholes: Potholes and other cracks in the pavement can be a major hazard for bicyclists, causing them to potentially lose control of the bike and either crash or be thrown from it.
  • Train tracks: Train tracks, especially old or abandoned ones, can damage a bike’s wheel or cause it to get stuck, increasing the chances of an accident.
  • Sewers: The grates on sewers often serve as a hazard for bicyclists. Bicycle wheels are also at risk of getting stuck in sewer grates, posing a danger to bicyclists.

The state or local government may be responsible for road hazards, depending on the conditions. For instance, the government will most likely not be held liable if a bicyclist got into an accident after sliding in the snow from a snowstorm that occurred 15 minutes prior to the accident. However, it could be held liable for a pothole that has been present for months, particularly if the agency responsible for fixing it has been alerted about it from previous accidents.

Comparative negligence in Flagstaff, Arizona refers to the legal concept where the fault for an accident can be divided between the parties involved based on their respective contributions to the incident. In bicycle accidents, both the cyclist and the other motorist may share responsibility depending on the circumstances.

For the government to be held liable, there has to be some form of negligence present, meaning that they had a duty of care to the public and breached that duty. It is not as simple as saying that they could have done a better job at something. Furthermore, the law expects bicyclists, as well as other motorists, to be alert and take proper precautions while on the road.

If you need legal advice regarding comparative negligence in Arizona bicycle cases, it’s essential to consult with a professional who can help you navigate the specifics of your case. Nevertheless, if you have been injured in a bicycle accident due to a road hazard that the government could and should have fixed, contact an attorney today to understand your options.

Bicycle Accidents at Intersections

A good portion of bicycle accidents happen at intersections. It can be challenging to assess distance and speed precisely in these areas, and visibility is restricted for both cars and cyclists. Therefore, intersections are frequently deadly places.

Intersection accidents happen for a number of reasons. One common instance occurs when the bicyclist has a stop sign, and the other motorist does not. The cyclist stops and then moves into the intersection ahead of a car that is supposed to have the right-of-way. In this case, the biker is probably at fault for the collision. If you’ve been involved in a similar accident, contact a Flagstaff attorney for car accidents to understand your legal options and protect your rights. Reach out today for expert legal advice!

Another typical collision situation involves a cyclist who does not have a stop sign and a driver who does. The automobile pulls up in front of the bike at the intersection after halting. In most cases, the driver is to blame in this kind of collision. However, if the bicycle is riding against the flow of traffic, the driver and the cyclist could be equally responsible for the collision.

It is important to note that bicycles are considered vehicles and must ride with the flow of traffic. It is more dangerous to ride against traffic, as cars usually do not anticipate a bicycle coming toward them.

Bicycle Accidents Caused by Vehicles Turning Left or Right

When a motorist and a cyclist approach the intersection from different directions, and the motorist turns left, crashing into the cyclist, this is a left-turn collision. Most of the time, the car fails to notice the cyclist or miscalculates their speed. The driver is usually responsible for the cyclist’s injuries as well as any further losses in a left-turn collision. Right-turn collisions can happen in a number of ways. These include:

  • As it approaches an intersection, the automobile passes a bike and then cuts the cyclist off by turning right at the intersection.
  • The automobile turns right into the bike after the bike passes it on the right.
  • At a light, the bike and car are waiting. When the light changes, the automobile turns right, colliding with the bike.

The driver of the car will be at fault for the collision in the majority of these cases. However, as usual, cyclists may lower their chance of collision by taking proper safety precautions, such as:

  • Utilizing the appropriate equipment
  • Honing their riding techniques
  • Staying focused and aware of traffic and the road at all times

Who Is at Fault in a Bicycle Accident?

Bicycles are considered vehicles when on the road, so they have the same rights and responsibilities as other drivers. This means that fault is not automatically given to either party. Liability is determined when considering the factors of the situation. Liability in intersection crashes typically comes down to which party had the right of way—the car or the bike.

If there are no traffic signals, the first-coming car has the right-of-way when two vehicles approach an intersection. If both vehicles arrive simultaneously, the one on the right has the right-of-way. The car to the right has the right of way while approaching intersections that are controlled by stop signs. However, traffic on a major street has the right of way if the intersection consists of a minor street intersecting with a major street.

At signal-controlled intersections, the signal determines who has the right-of-way. If a signal sensor cannot identify the bike, the cyclist can either move closer to the sensors, wait until it’s safe to cross, or just use the crosswalk.

Damages in a Bicycle Accident Claim

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation to cover damages incurred as a result of the accident. Some of these damages include:

  • The expenses associated with receiving medical care for any injuries you had in the collision, including any surgeries, doctor visits, physical therapy, or prescription drugs
  • Lost pay or income as a result of missing work to heal from your injuries
  • Loss of earning potential and advantages from your job if your disabilities keep you from working
  • Physical suffering brought on by your wounds and recuperation from treatment
  • The price of replacing or repairing your bicycle if it was harmed in the collision
  • Emotional discomfort and trauma
  • The cost of long-term care if your injuries resulted in chronic diseases or permanent impairments
  • Reduction in life quality brought on by physical impairments, obvious scarring, or disfigurement

How an Attorney Can Help

If you were involved in a bicycle accident, a lawyer can help you with the process that follows. Some of the tasks that they can assist with include:

  • Examining the location of the collision and gathering proof, such as images, police reports, footage from security or traffic cameras, eyewitness accounts, and records of the damage done to your bike and the car that hit you
  • Gathering evidence from field professionals to determine fault
  • Recording all your monetary and non-monetary damages so they can use your personal injury claim to get the full compensation you require
  • Submitting insurance claims for bicycle accidents to the insurance providers and negotiating for the highest payout possible
  • Pursuing all your legal options, including taking your case to trial if necessary

Arizona Statute of Limitations on Bicycle Claims

The statute of limitations in Arizona determines how long you have to file a claim against the individual who is at fault for a bicycle accident. Generally, you can only file an accident claim within two years of the date of the incident. The court has the right to permanently dismiss your case if you file a claim after the statute of limitations has run out.

Additionally, in Arizona, you must notify the government or public entity of your claim within 180 days of the crash if you are pursuing a bicycle accident claim against them. While two years may seem like more than enough time, it is important to file your claim as soon as possible if you plan to do so.

Gathering all the information you need to file the claim and getting it processed takes time. You do not want to run out of time in the middle of fulfilling your requirements. Contacting an attorney can help you meet these deadlines more effectively and quickly.

What to Do If You’re in a Bicycle Accident

If you are in a bicycle accident, there are a few steps you should take following the incident. First, seek immediate medical attention, especially if you have serious injuries. Your safety comes first. Even if you do not have readily noticeable injuries, you will still want to seek medical attention later on in case there are some internal injuries that you did not see. This will help with any claims you want to file, as you can know upfront what your medical expenses will be.

After this, contact law enforcement so they can report the incident. Gather as much information as you can for evidence. Next, contact your insurance company, and you can also contact an attorney, as they can negotiate with insurance companies and help you through the legal process if you decide to file a claim.

FAQs About Flagstaff, AZ Bicycle Accident Law

How Much Compensation Can I Receive for a Cycle Accident?

The amount of compensation awarded for a bicycle accident depends on a number of factors, including the extent of the injuries, medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. For small injuries, it can be as little as a few thousand dollars. However, in severe cases resulting in long-term incapacity or significant medical treatment, it can reach several hundred thousand dollars.

Who Is Usually at Fault If a Bicycle Is Involved in an Accident?

The conditions of a bicycle accident determine who is at fault. Often, drivers who engage in careless driving—like failing to yield or texting while driving—may be to blame. However, if bikers break traffic laws, they may also be held accountable. Liability must be established through investigations because every case is different. Generally, fault is determined based on who had the right of way.

What Is a “No Win, No Fee” Cycling Accident?

A “no win, no fee” agreement in a cycling accident means that a lawyer only gets paid if you win your case. If your claim is unsuccessful, you owe nothing. Because there are no upfront charges or concerns about unpaid legal fees if the claim is lost, this arrangement makes legal assistance more accessible.

What Happens When You Have a Bike Accident?

When you have a bike accident, seek medical assistance right away, even if the injuries appear minor. Inform the police about the incident and collect any relevant evidence, such as pictures and witness statements. Then, notify your insurance carrier. To learn more about your legal options for compensation, speak with a knowledgeable bicycle accident attorney.

Contact The Kaiser Law Group Today

If you have been involved in a bicycle accident, The Kaiser Law Group can help. Contact us today to speak with a representative.

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